Chalet Time on social networks


Added on 11/26/2019

Follow us on Facebook and instagram 

Chalet Time is happy to announce the arrival of two social media accounts. Follow us on our Facebook and Instagram, and feel free to like, share and comment. Happy surfing! 

Subscribe to our social medias to hear more about what we do and who we are! We share our news and practical tips. You'll also find our new properties to sell, our holidays rentals, and seasonal rentals. We also share our great deals thanks to our resort partners.  If you would like to learn more about us and each member of our team , read more about us through our web pages. 


Please feel free to share your moment with Chalet Time with the hashtag #chalettime. 

- Facebook : Chalet Time Immobilier 

- Instagram : Chalet_Time 

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If you haven't booked you ski stay in Val d'Isère yet, quickly check our last vacancies:

Our team would be so delighted to advise you and help you with your projects : sales or rentals